What appears to be more than just words has been vividly seen In the workings of the newly appointed Acting Managing Director of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation Hon. G. Alphonso Gaye .
Speaking from the top of a 55.5m ground reservoir situated in the GSA Rock hill community, Acting MD Gaye told his team of technicians accompanying him on his routine tour of the Corporation’s infrastructure,that everything is possible when leaders are committed and dedicated to their tasks.
Acting MD Gaye mentioned to his technical team on Monday that when leaders lead with good examples,they provide a good deal of motivation for those they lead and this is what he is committed to doing at the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation.
” Gentlemen, everything is possible when we have made up our minds to serve”; MD Gaye said.
According to the former Grand Gedeh County Senator, with the enthusiasm and dedication of the LWSC workforce ,reaching water to areas once viewed as impossible is now possible.
Acting Managing Director Gaye resounded his administration’s focus,which he notes is in rebuilding the confidence of the Corporation’s customers through the consistency of its service delivery.
” Supplying water is possible,getting back the confidence of our customers and the general public is possible and taking our salaries regularly is possible if we remain dedicated and consistent in our duties but also, If we are honest and sincere to ourselves and the Corporation”; the new LWSC MD asserted.
Speaking further, Hon. Gaye cautioned his staff to be honest in dealing with customers in order to rebuild and maintain a vibrant corporate social relationship.
” We have to be robust in responding to matters on the field if we are to indicate our readiness to change anything around here” the new LWSC MD added.
The former Grand Gedeh County Senator who lauded his workforce for their sacrifice over the time called on them to do more if they must get more.
” I highly appreciate all of you efforts to stay here, especially under extreme difficult situations . You could have gotten yourselves different jobs but you chose to be with LWSC,so now is the time to give our best to the Corporation and together,we can get the best in return with time”; an optimistic Gaye told his team.
The Acting LWSC Managing Director
was speaking on Monday when he toured the Corporation’s infrastructure around Montserrado county including the World Bank’s approximately one million gallons of water ground reservoir situated in the GSA Rock hill community.
Funded by the World Bank and Constructed under the Liberia Urban Water Supply Project, the ground reservoir was designed to serve the population in Paynesville and parts of the Robertsfield highway.
Other sites toured by the Acting MD and team include the World Bank’s funded New Georgia and express pipeline facilities,the Corporation’s Paynesville City deep well, the LWSC’S Caldwell facility and the Newport street booster station as well as the Corporation’s city reservoir at the Ducor Hotel up Broad street.

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