The Acting Managing Director of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation G. Alphonso Gaye appears to be in full gear, leaving no stone unturned in his aspiration to effect an immediate reform at the Crisis rocked Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation.
The newly appointed MD, who awaits confirmation by the Liberian Senate was on Wednesday,April 19 guided on an intensive tour of the Corporation’s infrastructures, including all sites of the current damaged thirty six inch transmission pipeline , which is responsible to supply pipe borne water to greater portion of the LWSC’s twenty (20) service zones and the White Plains Water Treatment Plant as well as the Corporation’s Sewer facility in Fiamah.
The thirty six which was inherited broken by the former Grand Gedeh County Senator is key on the list of priorities of the new LWSC MD.
” If we must transform this place as desired by our President,this pipe line must be given absolute attention at once and always”; MD Gaye told his team of technicians on the tour.
According to the former Senator, the damaged pipeline and all technical components of the LWSC will top his administration’s list of priorities.
” LWSC is a technical institution that must not fail on the delivery of it’s services to the people of Liberia”; MD Gaye assured the public on Wednesday.
Speaking further at the site of the broken transmission pipeline, the new LWSC MD called on his enthusiastic technical team to begin repair works immediately in an attempt to restore pipe borne water to all affected communities along the thirty six.
” Look, gentlemen,here we are; we must make this place work and this we must do by restoring the confidence of our customers and the general public by the consistency of our service delivery”; Gaye told his technical team.
The site visit by the new LWSC MD has resulted into the immediate procurement of all materials needed for the repair of the damaged pipeline.
It is key to report that water via the thirty six inch transmission pipeline is expected In the soonest possible time as the technical team of the Corporation has since begun robust repair works on the infrastructure.

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