BUSY SATURDAY AT WATER TREATMENT PLANT … As MD Gaye leads five (5) days Massive General Clean up Exercise.

Saturday, July 1, 2023 will go down in the pages of history if not as the busiest day but one of the busiest days in the operations of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation ( LWSC).
Early Saturday morning, scores of jubilant LWSC staff joyously gathered at the White Plains Water Treatment Plant ( WTP), situated in Louisiana, Montserrado county in response to a call for a robust cleaning of the WTP.
The LWSC managing director G. Alphonso Gaye had earlier rallied the full involvement of all his staff members, Including his four (4) deputies to assemble at the WTP on July 1, 2023 to begin the process of giving the Corporation’s water production facility a massive face – lift.
” I call on every LWSC worker, both employees and contractors, who are available to join us on July 1, 2023 to carry out a general clean up Exercise at the Water Treatment Plant”; MD Gaye mentioned.
In response to MD Gaye’s call , several LWSC staff early Saturday morning assembled at the WTP carrying essential bushing and cleaning equipment including shovels,cutlasses ,brooms, wheelbarrow and water draining equipment to jump start the exercise.
Speaking during the start of the five (5) days general clean up of the Water Treatment Plant, several LWSC staff commended MD Gaye for the Initiative, noting that such was a necessary endeavor.
The jubilant LWSC staff joyously brushed the entire WTP compound as they began the five (5) days WTP general clean up Exercise.
For the most of Saturday, July 1, 2023, the LWSC workforce cleaned and cleared a vast portion of unwanted grass and other plants from the WTP compound.
Joining his staff to brush the grass and cut down trees, MD Gaye lauded his workforce for the massive turnout , which he notes was a clear manifestation of the willingness of the Corporation’s workforce.
” I am very happy to see all of you here today and ready to work,let’s do it “; MD Gaye told his team before the WTP clean up Exercise began.
He then cautioned them to observe all the safety rules and to stay clear of prohibited areas at the WTP.
” As we clean , let’s ensure that we do not create mess, let’s work within the approved perimeters shown to us by our staff here at the WTP”; MD Gaye cautioned his team.
The start of the WTP five (5) days clean up exercise brought together staff from LWSC outstations including Grand Bassa and Margibi counties as well as all top management members and a good number of the LWSC workforce.
The Water Treatment Plant general clean up exercise is expected to last for five (5) days,from July 1, 2023 through July 5,2023.
During this time , LWSC staff will clean the water treatment units, storage facilities and the entire compound…

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